What can you do for colic baby?
Because there is no explanation of what colic is, there is not one piece of advice to pigeons. But there are many small councils that are worth trying.
Many colicky children become calmer if they are rocked back and forth. It may be in a cradle, in a rocking chair or on your knees.
In some children, it helps to be carried in a belly belt. There, they help small rocking movements, and the heat from the adult body.
In connection with colic child meals can try:
Whether it helps to give the milk slowly. ( Baby Cry )
Letting the baby burp frequently.
To let the child sit upright while eating.
If the child gets milk powder, it can be a good idea to try switching to another brand and see if it has power.
Colic Kids can sometimes soothed by music or monotonous sounds. Some parents have seen their colicky child was quiet, if they turned on the vacuum cleaner or went for a ride in the car. It can be a good idea to sing to the baby. It also reassures the parents, and they feel that they are doing something for the child.
In recent years it has been found out that some colicky children can benefit from massage.
A light massage on the child's stomach just might ease the pain and help the child to haggle.
When massaging baby's tummy, it is important that you do it in light circular movements from left to right if you stand below the child's feet. The reason why it should be in that direction is that such is the colon inside the child's stomach, thereby Stimulating bowel to move in the right direction, so the child can get to haggle.
In some children, it helps to be wrapped tightly in a blanket or being stuck enclosed. You can try it out. If in doubt, ask nurse for advice.
How does one know whether the baby has colic?
Colic can be recognized by a number of characteristic features:
Colic appears during the first two to four weeks of life of the child, the child, and suffer from for about three months.
There is high crying, often in two to three hours, the child is inconsolably, and the periods usually occur at the same time of day. The periods generally appear one to two times a day.
The child has abdominal pain, pulls his feet up under her and ties her hands.
Some children have violent rumbling in your stomach and have a lot of flatulence.
Be sure that there is nothing more than colic wrong with the child. High, persistent and inconsolable crying should always be examined before you settle to settle for that it is colic, the child suffers. Other diseases that can provide high persistent crying, for example volvulus, pinched testicle or inflicted pain. If in doubt, always consult your own doctor.
Does maternal diet affect the child's colic?
There is a theory that if the mother eats food that is causing much air, it may induce or aggravate colic in the child. Food and drinks are very air-producing, are:
orange juice
vegetables, especially onions and cabbage
fruit such as apples and plums
spicy food
caffeinated products such as chocolate, coffee and tea
There is almost nothing else to do than to try them. Try one thing at a time and see if there is any difference in the child's colic. It is best to let two days elapse between each new thing you eat, so you know what it is, the child responds to.
What can you do for colic baby?
Nobody knows why babies get the stomach pain that characterizes colic, and therefore there is unfortunately no immediate solution to the problem. However, there are little things you can do that may alleviate your child's discomfort a bit ...
When a baby gets colic, it turned upside down on
family life, while colic. It can be a hard burden to be left with a baby who cries inconsolably, and feel inadequate. But there are small things you can do. Some of it may help the child, and something may help parents. Just to do something and to have some different ways helps.
What is colic?
10 to 15 percent of all children get colic. The big problem with colic is that you do not know what it is. There are different theories, but none has yet been convincing in the sense that none of them has led to a good treatment.
The most common theory assumes that there is an impairment of the child's intestines, as by his rapid movements are like a sort of intestinal spasm. There is also a presumption that the bowel movements may be too slow, so that intestinal air gather together and allows the child pain when it expands the intestines. Still others think it has something to do with how quickly the child eats, it eats too much or swallow too much air and not getting bøvset enough. A new theory is that there might be a link between colic and maternal ingestion of cow's milk.
How does one know whether the baby has colic?
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